Meditate and Find Calm

with Peaceful of Pudsey.

Meditation Classes to Soothe the Soul.

Classes for people who think that meditating and yoga are for other people.

Perhaps you think you’re too stiff or not flexible, that you don’t have the “right” body type, or that you’ll have to wear clothes that make you feel silly or self-conscious. Maybe you have injuries or illnesses that prevent you sitting or moving comfortably. Maybe you think you are too busy, too old, or too young, or that it’s just a load of new age hippy crap.


Meditation and Yoga are SO beneficial for our wellbeing (I’m not just saying that, there are LOADS of studies to prove it).

So I one hundred percent believe in making meditation and yoga as easy for everyone as possible, especially if you have experienced or are dealing with any kind of stress or trauma.

I want you to feel calm and happy, not get you into pretzel-shapes.

I teach meditation and yoga to help you find inner peace and self-compassion. If I can learn to be kind to myself through meditation and mindful movement, anyone can. Maybe you’ve got more on your plate than Jacinda Ardern but still worry you’re not doing enough. Maybe you’re stiff and achy, love cake a bit too much, or have curves in places a Kardashian would frown upon. We’ve all got stuff going on, that’s what makes us human and real.

Meditation and yoga can help us make sense of it all, whoever we are.

I always suggest ways to make meditating and yoga easier or more comfortable, and I will never expect you to do an exercise that you are not comfortable doing. There are always options!

I try and be an ally to anyone who experiences a lack of privilege, so if you have a particular worry or concern you would like to discuss before booking onto a class then please drop me a line 100% confidentially. Chances are I will be able to accommodate you.

Similarly if you are experiencing financial difficulties but feel you would benefit from taking part, then please get in touch and I will do my best to help. Look out for special offers too – you can sign up here

45 minute soothing meditation classes via Zoom, suitable for all levels. Every Sunday evening at 19:45 UK time

Classes are currently pay as you feel – if you would like to send payment (suggested £5), you can do so via PayPal using or